Welcome to Red Oak Counselling

About Me
Juanita Hunter Bsc, COSCA PgDip, MBACP
Experienced Person-Centred Counsellor
Bsc Archaeological Studies, (University of Glasgow)
COSCA cert Counselling Skills, (Centre of Therapy, Glasgow)
Pgdip Person-centred Counselling, (University of Strathclyde)
MBACP Member of British Asscociation of Counselling & Psychotherapy
Hello, and welcome! Red Oak Counselling, is my small private practice. I work across Glasgow & Edinburgh. I realise that finding the right counsellor to work with is just as daunting as the decision to try counselling itself. So I hope that my website helps relieve the anxiety in some way.
I am a fully qualified Person-centred counsellor and as such look to create a therapeutic environment aimed at the needs of my client. I try to encourage a comfortable safe space in which my clients can talk freely about the areas of their lives that cause them the most difficulty. I look to listen, hear and value your perspective so that you can work through opening up your world to new perspectives and support you in moving forward.
I know that finding the words to express yourself can be difficult at times, so I will work with you using various methods to aid your process. I have in the past used art work, visual aids and small activities during sessions to help achieve this, and they are all client lead. I also when weather allows like to offer outdoor work, presently walking sessions. Most importantly I will work at your pace!
Further Training
Child & Adult Protection (2015)
Trauma: The Neurological Effects on the Brain & Dissociation (2016)
ASIST : Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (2016)
Self-harm (2016)
Professional PTSD Counselling Diploma ( To Be Completed - Started Sept 2020)
Advanced Training for Trauma Treatment (To Be Completed - Started Sept 2020)
Art Therapy: For Greater Understanding of the "Self" (To Be Completed - Started Aug 2020)
I was a part of the counselling team at Simpson House Counselling & Recovery Services in Edinburgh for a little over two years working with clients struggling with addiction and Trauma.
I was a part of the team for SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) April 2016- Sept 2017 based at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital & Motherwell Office supporting individuals with complex mental health issue who have had long-term hospital admittance. I worked with them on a 1-1 basis, encouraging self-empowerment, hope and recovery and assisted them with their transition back into the community.
I am currently employed with an EAP Service (Employee Assistance Programme) Part-time, providing counselling support for individuals from all walks of life who struggle with either their work environment or personal life or both. I work as part of a team to provide structured telephone sessions and counselling helpline advice covering all areas of mental health.
What I Can Help With
Mild, Moderate and Severe Depression
Suicidal thoughts and feelings
Stress and Anxiety
Exploring and managing addictive behaviours i.e drugs, alcohol, eating disorders
Exploring and working through emotions connected to traumatic experiences, including childhood sexual abuse, domestic abuse and sexual crime.
Working with anger and aggressive behaviour.
Exploring and working with self-harm and hearing voices.
Processing feelings of grief, bereavement and loss.
Cost of Sessions: 50 Mins
15 min Free Consultation
Indoor & Outdoor Sessions £50, Student: £35
Offering F2F , Video Call & Telephone Sessions
Person-Centred Approach
What is Person-centred Counselling?
Person-centred Counselling is a form of talk therapy that focuses on looking at ways an individual perceives themselves on a conscious level, instead of a counsellor attempting to interpret their unconscious thoughts and ideas. The counsellor is there to understand the individuals experience from their perspective, valuing the client in all aspects of their humanity.
This particular approach to therapy is aimed at facilitating an environment where an individual can work towards developing their personal growth and building of relationships by providing a space that is safe, non-judgemental and empathic. In addition offering the opportunity for the individual to explore their own strengths and personal identity. The Person-centred counsellor is there to assist in this process and provide vital support. It focuses on aiding the individual to reconnect with their inner self in order to make the necessary changes in their life.
"Connect with Yourself Connect with Your World"
When you experience moments that cause you deep emotional pain and find it difficult to express how you feel you gradually become disconnected to yourself and in turn the world around you, leaving you feeling isolated and alone and at times lost and stuck in life.
I believe strongly that this does not have to be a permanent state of being and given the free space to explore those painful emotions and experiences in the right setting you can come to not only understand your 'self', but value your 'self' and experiences too. Making such a connection changes how you see your world and those who are in it, connecting with others differently than before and finding new ways to live your life, appreciating it from a new perspective, allowing you to move forward. The journey is not easy, its hard work, at times extremely exhausting, but in the long run its completely and utterly WORTH IT!
Photographic Therapy Sessions
Sometimes it is hard to find the words to express how you feel and I have decided to introduce Photographic Therapy Sessions. Photography is a medium that can be used to help focus how you perceive yourself and the world around you. If you struggle with mental health, mild or severe it can motivate you outside, connecting you with the world around you. It provides an environment that encourages reflection and self-expression and promotes a new perspective, and you don't need to be a photographer or have a fancy camera, The camera on your phone will do. Its all about you!
Likewise using photographs from albums during F2F sessions is also a therapeutic way of working, considering memories or perceptions of self.
Interested call and schedule a session.
Photographic Therapy Session: £50 Per 50 min session
“I started to see Juanita at a time of transition in my life and I was unsure how I would cope with the changes. Juanita is easy to talk to and I felt at ease from the start. She gave me the space I needed to talk through the things of concern and reflect on how I might embrace the changes. Juanita’s gentle challenging helped me to realise that there could be a different way of doing things and I felt I learnt a bit more about myself, my automatic responses to things, and how to nurture the parts of me I had neglected. I left the sessions feeling stronger and better equipped to look after myself.” ~ FL
"The sessions helped me a lot and I improved tremendously after each one. Juanita is very passionate about all this and she has a gentle way of being and softly challenged me during our discussions. She also gave me the opportunity to work on my issues outside of sessions with some small suggestions that I could implement by myself or questions to meditate about. It was a pleasure going to the sessions and I looked forward to speaking with her weekly."~ IP
"I attended therapy sessions with Juanita at a pretty low point in my life and I found them to be a huge help. She listened without judgement and asked the right kind of questions that really helped my thought process. I was reticent and nervous to begin with at the thought of going to therapy sessions - it's a daunting prospect if you've never been before. But I'm extremely glad that I did. The sessions were very good for me and I'd recommend Juanita to anyone considering therapy of their own, whatever the motivation or situation". ~ AM
Walking Sessions
No one said that therapy had to stay within the four walls of the counselling room. I cherish the calming environment that the outdoors can bring, the reflective space it provides and the soothing elements of beauty that surround me when I am outside. Due to this I offer the chance for walk & talk sessions which are at no extra cost. Clients have expressed that walking sessions have helped them articulate better how they are feeling, being outside helped calm them and they found it to be less confining than the four walls of a room. Clients have also expressed that walking side by side felt less intimidating than sitting F2F, which left them feeling more at ease to express themselves. Call now to schedule a session.
F2F Sessions Indoors & Outdoors
Individual: £50 for 50 mins
Students: £35 for 50 mins
F2F Sessions are now resuming (video call is still an option)

The Oak Tree
Johnny Ray Ryder Jr
A mighty wind blew night and day,
it stole the oak trees leaves away,
they snapped it's boughs and pulled it's bark,
until the oak was tired and stark.
But still the oak tree held it's ground,
while other trees fell all around.
The weary wind gave up and spoke,
How can you still be standing oak?
The oak tree said, I know that you
can break each branch of mine in two
carry every leaf away,
shake my limbs and make me sway.
But i have roots stretched in the earth,
growing stronger since my Birth,
you'll never touch them , for you see,
they are the deepest part of me.
Until today I wasn't sure
of just how much I could endure
But now I've found with thanks to you,
I'm stronger than i ever knew
Schedule a Session
If you would like to make an enquiry or arrange a counselling appointment, you can contact me via email: redoakcounselling@gmail.com or call/text me on 07735329532 (Do leave a vm as I am often unable to answer my phone due to being in session)
F2F is now Resuming Availability Wed 6pm, 7pm & 8pm, Thursday 7:30pm, 8:30pm, Friday's 9am, 10am.
Southside Counselling & Therapy Centre,
3 Carment Drive, Shawlands, Glasgow, G41 3PR
Sessions are available via Zoom (Video Call) or via Telephone outside of these hours and can be arranged at a time convenient if space available.